Thursday 21 March 2013

Saiwa swamp national park

This is the smallest of al the national parks in Kenya, only 3km2 in area and within its boundaries there are no roads for vehicles. It is home to the rare, endangered, semi-aquatic antelope which has webbed feet and spends most of its day half –submerged in water. Other animals to be found in saiwa include various monkeys, otters, genets, serval cat, mongoose, bushbuck and ratels (honey badger).More than370 bird’s species have been recorded there, including the blue headed coucal and Ross’s Turaco. Saiwa has about 9 km of nature trails; 7 km of which is the ‘’Acacia trail’’.
In the park itself ,there is a beautifully situated campsite with water shower blocks and designated places to make a campfire and cook food’s self catering Banda of timber construction ,managed by Kenya wildlifeservice  called ‘’Tree Top House’ may be available. It is raised on wooden ‘’stilts’’ above an area of exposed water and at the edge of the swamp, thus making it an ideal viewing platform. It has a small veranda and a single bedroom with two beds. Alternatively, you might be just a couple of crazy lovers determined to sleep in a swamp. Either way, a stay there will certainly be something to remember.

JBA- Kenya Safaris

The Abaluhya tribe of Kenya

The sheer bulk and height of Mt.Elgon is enough to create its own rainfall. such power has drawn men to its forested slopes, its myriad of mountain streams and its fertile plains from time immemorial. Here cattle-herders from the arid north, forest hunters from the Congo basin, wandering tribes displaced by aggressive Masai and migrating peoples escaping from starvation or war, have converged, fought traded and exchanged skills and ideas. Some settled and farmed the land; others, after recovering their strength and courage, moved on to other places. Currently the main communities in the region are the Ogiek, Sabot and Abaluhya ; but many others have Elgon rooted in their traditional tales, folklore and tribal history. The Ogiek are small are a small and ancient group of forests hunter-gatherers for whom honey is vital part of the economy and social systems. In the past they would trade honey and other forest produce with the people of the plains in exchange for iron ware and grain. Deforestation and capitalism have contributed to their demise; they are now a very small community struggling to survive in a fast –changing world.
The Sabaot occupy the north and eastern parts of Elgon. Like their fellow Kalenjins of the north west Cherangany ,the Pokot, they were ‘’cattle people’’, with beliefs, traditions and ambitions steeped in pastrolism, but have greatly reduced livestock keeping and turned more to the plough in recent times. Their main crops are maize, beans, bananas, and vegetables. In fact this is one of Kenya’s main maize producing areas.
The Abaluhya clans, of which there are many, each with its distinct dialect and cultural practices, occupy the southern slopes of Mt.Elgon and parts of the Trans Nzoia plains. They were attracted here by the well-watered fertile soils. They are mainly agriculturalists and skilled artisans, but livestock has always had a social value above its economic worth and is commonly exchanged as money.After Kilamanjaro and mount kenya ,mount Elgon will spice up your trekking holiday while in East Africa

JBA- Kenya Safaris Holiday

Tuesday 19 March 2013

African Fish Eagle

The African Fish Eagle is a large bird; with the female weighing 3.2-3.6 kg (7-8 lbs) is larger than the male, which weighs at 2-2.5 kg (4.4-5.5 lbs). Males usually have a wingspan of about 2 m (6 feet), while females have wingspans of 2.4 m (8 feet). The body length is 63–75 cm (25–30 in). The adult is very distinctive in appearance with a mostly brown body and large, powerful, black wings. The head, breast, and tail of African Fish Eagles are snow white, with the exception of the featherless face, which is yellow. The eyes are dark brown in colour.
The hook-shaped beak, ideal for a carnivorous lifestyle, is yellow with a black tip. Breeding season for African Fish Eagles is during the dry season, when water levels are low. African Fish Eagles are believed to be monogamous - in other words, they mate for life. Pairs will often maintain two or more nests, which they will frequently re-use. Because nests are re-used and built upon over the years the nests can grow to be quite large, some reaching 2m (six feet) across and 1.2 m (4 feet) deep. The nests are placed in a large tree and built mostly of sticks and other pieces of wood. The female lays 1 to 3 eggs, which are primarily white with a few reddish speckles. Incubation is mostly done by the female, but the male will incubate when the female leaves to hunt. Incubation lasts for 42 to 45 days before the chicks hatch. Like other sea eagles, the African Fish Eagle has structures on its toes called spiricules that allows it to grasp fish and other slippery prey.
The African Fish Eagle is most frequently seen by the rivers, lakes and coasts of Africa south of the Sahara. It is most frequently seen sitting high in a tall tree from where it has a good view of the stretch of river, lakeshore or coastline which is its territory. Near a lake with an abundant food supply, a pair may require less than a kilometre square of water to find enough food, whereas next to a small river, they may require a stretch of 25km or more. The breeding display consists of much soaring and calling with very occasional claw-grappling.
Their main food is fish, sometimes dead, but mostly caught live. Catfish and lungfish are among the most frequent. They also catch and eat some water birds, including their young. The birds most frequently taken include ibis, waterfowl such as ducks, small turtles and terrapins, baby crocodiles, greater flamingos and lesser flamingos, lizards such as Nile Monitors, frogs storks, herons and spoonbills. They also eat some carrion. Live caught fish account for about 90% of their diet. Widespread in South Africa, the African Fish Eagle is particularly common in and around some of the Great Rift Valley lakes such as Lake Baringo, Lake Bogoria, Lake Nakuru and Lake Naivasha among other lakes. The African Fish Eagle has two distinct calls. When near the nest its call is more of a "quock" sound - the female being, in all cases, a little shriller and less mellow than the male.

JBA- Kenya birdwatching safaris

Birding in Kenya

Birdwatching in Kenya

Monday 28 January 2013

Wildebeest Migration in Kenya

wildebeest masai mara

Gnu or Wildebeest Scientific Name: Connochaetes taurinus is a grazer which weighs about 500 pounds and has a gestation period of 8 months .Several races of wildebeest (also called gnu) exist. The species that forms the large herds of the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem of Tanzania and Kenya is known as the western white-bearded wildebeest (C. t. mearnsi). The brindled or blue race occurs south of the Zambezi River. The eastern white-bearded race inhabits Kenya and Tanzania east of Gregory Rift.
The head of the wildebeest is large and box-like and both males and females have curving horns. The front end of the body is heavily built, the hindquarters slender and the legs spindly. The coat is gray and has a black mane and a beard which may be black or white. Wildebeests are continually on the move as they seek favorable supplies of grass and water.
The famous Serengeti population of wildebeest is a very large nomadic group. These animals make a migratory circle of 500 to 1,000 miles each year, beginning right after the calving season in January and February on the south-eastern Serengeti plains, moving west toward Lake Victoria, then turning north into the Masai Mara. They are relentless in their advance and many are injured, lost (especially calves) or killed. By the end of the dry season, the wildebeest have almost exhausted the grazing lands and return south to the Serengeti plains as the rains begin.Wildebeest females give birth to a single calf in the middle of the herd, not seeking a secluded place, as do many antelopes. Amazingly, about 80 percent of the females calve within the same 2- to 3-week period, creating a glut for predators and thus enabling more calves to survive the crucial first few weeks. A calf can stand and run within minutes of birth. It immediately begins to follow its mother and stays close to her to avoid getting lost or preyed upon. Within days, it can run fast enough to keep up with the adult herd.
masai mara
A calf eats its first grass at about 10 days, although it is still suckled for at least 6 months. Even after weaning, many remain with the mother until the next year's calf is born. At that time the young males are driven away, but the females often remain in the same groups as their mothers. Their biggest predators are lions, cheetahs, leopards, hunting dogs, hyena, and crocodile among other cats.

JBA-Masai mara  safaris

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Mount Elgon National Park

Mount Elgon is an eroded, dormant volcano with a huge caldera around the rim of which are a number of distinct peaks. Wagagai (4321m) is the highest and together with Sudek (4176m), serves to demarcate the Kenya-Uganda border. Another prominent summit is Koitobos-a spectacular mass of basalt on the boundary of the Mt.Elgon national park.

Elgon has sometimes been called ‘’the mountain of illusion’’ a name bestowed on it by the many people who, over the years, have become lost in its forests or on its high moorlands. The scores of almost identical ridges and valley, that traverse the very large of the mountain, become a trap for the unwary when the dense mountain mist descends and clings to the slopes, perhaps for several days without a break.
Mt.Elgon National park stretches from the densely forested lower slopes, up the mountain, to the highly moorlands where the giant Lobelia and senecio plants flourish, and then down to the caldera and the massive Suam Gorge that breaches its eastern rim. The park was established in 1976 and has an area of 169 kms; relatively small but capturing the mountain spectrum of ecological zones and biodiversity.
Elgon bird life is amazing in its variety, particularly in the forest; Ross’ Turacco and the red-fronted parrot are particularly beautiful. Animals include buffalo, leopard, baboons, water buck, bush buck, zebra, giraffe, tree hyrax, giant forest hog and a variety of duikers. The elusive forest elephant are remarkable for their exploration of the many Elgon caves.

For hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years they have made nocturnal forays into the caves to dig our salt and the work of their tusks has deepened the caves significantly .Kitum cave, more than 60m deep, is probably the most well known; but there are many others.Photography, horse riding and the gentle hike up Endless bluff are some of the acidities that are suitable for those who are not so fit or have limited time. 

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Kenya Event Organizers

Kenya is a home of many diversities...think of a bush wedding……Anniversary .…..End of year party…..Team building ...Outdoor  activities ...Besides its outstanding facilities, Kenya and East Africa as whole is home to a great variety of unique and beautiful landscapes which makes it a great venue for meetings and conferences in Africa to combine business aspects with exploring this wonderful country. Kenya is undoubtedly one of the most adored destinations for any Conference, Congress, Incentive, Events, Motivation you name it... and the facilities it offers can rival the best in the world. It has the perfect blend of ingredients to provide the ideal environment for any event: luxury, adventure, wildlife second to none, magnificent scenery, and rich cultural diversity. You can create a memorable experience for your delegates by choosing a venue which combines luxury and comfort with the excitement of the African Savannah.

Kenya safaris holiday hold the key to the success of your event in East Africa! We have been responsible for many successful conferences and events for multinational companies in stunning African locations. East Africa hotels and safari lodges are some of the finest in the world, known for their high standards of service and quality. Most of these hotels are international award winners and demonstrate innovative, eco-friendly designs. We offer booking services for top-quality hotels & lodges in Nairobi, Mombasa, Malindi, Nakuru Naivasha among other towns in Kenya ranging from luxury to budget. We guarantee the best available accommodation at the lowest price possible. Our network of suppliers throughout the region coupled with our ever-increasing volume of travelers has given us access to the most competitive rates, yielding savings which we pass on directly to our travelers. Following are the main hotels & lodges categories classified in accordance to the main tourist circuits where these hotels lodges are located and we match budget and dreams to deliver a truly memorable experience.

JBA-Kenya Safaris

Monday 7 January 2013

International Camel Derby and Festival Maral,Kenya

International Camel Derby-Maralal, Kenya.The International Camel Derby and Festival – Maralal, Kenya “Hit them up, move them out, raw hide” is the theme of this International Camel Derby held in the month of August every year is located 345km, (230km tarmac and 118km graded murram in the northern regions of Kenya in Samburu County. A blend of culture, colour, action, adventure and the finest camels of the north.The derby has been running since 1990 with visitors and entries from Australia, America, New Zealand, Canada, England, France, Spain, Japan, South Africa and beyond.All competing against the reigning Kenyan champions. The derby is not only recognized as a serious Kenyan safari sport but an international sport and a great way to create awareness of the rapid onset in the desertification of Kenya, while also promoting better camel husbandry among the people of Kenya and the benefits of these spitting, kicking yet adorable creatures in arid environments.The camels are chosen by judges for these races depending on handlers, strength and potential for speed. Did you know a camel can get up to 25 km an hour when racing? Hang on tight!.

The venue is Yare Camel Club and Camp 3km south of the township of Maralal in northern Kenya. In addition to the camel races you will also find cycling races, donkey rides for the timid, darts, different challenge events, local dancing displays and stalls. The camel races are broken into two main events over a number of days.The first of them being Novices and Amateurs, so don’t expect to be just a spectator on the side lines, you have the option to hire a camel and handler for the day, saddle up and join in for this rapid, furious and hairy 10km ride on the back of a beast. samburu cultural danceThe most challenging race is Elite Camel which is, a 42km marathon over a measured distance, passing the Maralal Township and running through semi-desert environments. No handlers or assistants are allowed to be used; you are left to the mercy of the desert and your own devices or imagination.The Kenya camel safari derby is a mecca for adventurers, nomads and camels alike set in the spell binding country of Kenya. Enjoy the very adventure fan gateway.

JBA- Kenya Safari